The cellar of a cooperative on "Marin Drinov" Street is leaking water, but there is no way to make repairs
In the "Marin Drinov" block, they cannot fight with the neighbor and the water has been running for the fourth month
Water is pouring into the cellar of a cooperative at 52 "Marin Drinov" Street, but people's hands are tied - they cannot repair the pipes and stop the leak, because one of the neighbors does not allow plumbing specialists to enter her apartment. In 4 - the apartment complex has 12 apartments and technicians have already visited 11 of them and found that the pipes are in working order. Only one of the homes on the first floor is problematic, as the owner categorically refuses to open, says Lilia Cholakova from "BG domoupravelitel".
The basement has been flooding for nearly four months and the condominium, along with the professional house manager, have taken all the steps the law allows. At a meeting at the entrance, a decision was made to carry out urgent repairs, as the constant dampness could endanger the structure of the entire block. The bill for the wasted water is charged to the total lot and the co-operators have to share these costs as well. They called plumbing specialists twice, and accordingly paid the fee of BGN 20 each, but Maria Trendafilova from the first floor stubbornly refused to let them into her home. The neighbors tried to persuade her, but she was firm in her decision. All communication with her is conducted behind closed doors, explain the people who no longer have a useful move. Because of the insistent knocking on her door in an attempt to dialogue, the neighbor filed a complaint against them with the police for harassment.
After we were unable to cope, we turned to the regional town hall for help, says the professional house manager. According to Art. 6, para. 1, item 12 of the ZEES, each owner of a condominium is obliged to provide access to his independent site for carrying out necessary research and construction works, even more so when the entire building is affected. Normally the decision of the general assembly does the job and people provide access, but this time it didn't happen, so we alerted the administration of the Eastern district, who have the power to issue a warrant and thus compel the person obstructing the procedure to open the home si, Liliya Cholakova points out.
From "Iztochen" they came to check already at the beginning of July and also only reached the locked front door of the lady. The officials sent a finding protocol to the condominium with the conclusion that Maria Trendafilova did not provide access to them either. And that was the end of it all, say the neighbors, who were expecting an order from the regional mayor Nikolay Chunchukov.
More recently, there was such a precedent in the "Severen" district, when the then mayor Raljo Ralev managed to get a court order to enter private property without the consent of the owner, because an entire 14-story block in the neighborhood was left without heating because of a neighbor who did not for months, he let EVN Toplofikatsia technicians into his home to make emergency repairs.
The mayor of "Iztochen" Nikolay Chunchukov committed to "Maritsa" again to check the case from "Marin Drinov" street and to assist the people living there.
We suggested to Mrs. Trendafilova that we fix the leak in her home at the expense of the condominium, and that she then pay in installments, but this was also not accepted, says one of the neighbors, Borislav Penev. He himself showed the basement, where as of yesterday the water was only running from the ceiling onto the walls, but the previous night it had literally been running. The whole cellar smells of dampness and mold, and an old sofa was soaked beyond repair, "Maritsa" saw. Our team looked for Maria Trendafilova at her home, but no one answered our urgent calls.
Vera Poriazova